About Us

The Stevenson Downtown Association, is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, affiliated with both Washington Main Street and Main Street America.
This coalition of local business owners, area residents and community leaders works to promote and revitalize Downtown Stevenson and enrich our local heritage.
Nationally Recognized, Locally Powered
Main Street America
Main Street America™ has been helping revitalize older and historic commercial districts for more than 35 years. Today it is a network of more than 1,600 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, who share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Main Street America is a program of the nonprofit National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Main Street Approach
The Main Street Approach™ offers community-based revitalization initiatives with a practical, adaptable framework for downtown transformation that is easily tailored to local conditions. The Main Street Approach helps communities get started with revitalization and grows with them over time.
Since 1984, the Washington State Main Street Program has been helping communities revitalize the economy, appearance, and image of their downtown commercial districts in Washington. In 2010 the Main Street Program was moved from the Department of Commerce to the Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation. The program is managed (under contract) by the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation.
About Main Street Guide: